Course Syllabus (subject to change)

Note: Effective with homework 2, you may no longer use the HTML5 DOCTYPE for validation





Final Project:

Your final project will be 30% of your grade and will consist of 5 - 7 html pages with supporting images and CSS.
The final project is due Due on: 05/11/2012 - NO EXCEPTIONS!

Course Requirements

Type Points Each Number Total Possible
TOTAL 400 pts
Homework 30 pts 6 180 pts
Labs optional 6 0 pts
Quizzes 20 pts 5 100 pts
Final Project 120 pts 1 120pts


Your Final grade will be determined using the following curve:

% of points Grade
90%+ A
80% - 89.9% B
70% - 79.9% C
60% - 69.9% D
Under 60% F

Helpful Hints

Need help getting the right HTML? Check out the source code on this (or any) web page. To do this, simply right click and select "View Source". This will show you the HTML of this page, and perhaps help point you in the right direction!