Final Project Submission Requirements

Each quiz you submit for grading is subject to the following requirements:

  1. Must be handed in on time. No late homework will be accepted without prior approval.
  2. Must be uploaded to the proper dropbox folder on D2L.
  3. Must be uploaded as a single .zip file containing all the necessary files (.html, images, css, etc).

Failure to follow any of the rules above will result in 0 points for the homework assignment.

Final Extra Credit - Early Submission

Each homework assignment, in addition to the assignment specific extra credit, will have an optional "Early Submission" extra credit of 10 points available. To earn these five points you must:

  1. Follow all the rules above for proper submission.
  2. Submit your homework at least 1 week before the due date.
  3. There will be no re-grading on early submitted final projects.