Homework 6

This homework is due Due on: 04/27/2012. Submissions after the due date will recieve 0 points.

Finishing your template layout.

Step 1 - Finish your template

From the previous assignments, you should have a valid empty template. If not, start with that link.

Step 2 - layout your page

Style your container element to be 980 px wide and centered on the page.

Style your header to take up 100% of the width of the page and be a reasonable height (100 - 200 px should do)

Position your navigation of the page. You may either position the element to be a top, left or right navigation element. Make sure your navigation uses ul / li lists, and they are styled accordingly.

Position your content to be either under your navigation (if you're using a top - navigation concept) or to the left / right of the navigation.

Position your footer to be under your content and navigation.


You will be graded on the following:

Extra Credit

3 pts: Place 3 images on the page with content in your content div. The first should be floated to the right, and have 20 px on the left and bottom around which the text should wrap. The second should be further on the page and be floated left, with 30 px of space between the text and the image. The final image should be in your footer, no larger than 20px by 20px and be all the way to the right.