Homework 5

This homework is due Due on: 04/06/2012. Submissions after the due date will recieve 0 points.

Creating a privacy policy page for your final project.

Starting with your site template file (template.html), save this file as a new file called "privacy_policy.html".

Step 1 - Create the page

All HTML for this homework should be inside of your <div id="content">.

Using the correct paragraph and heading tags, add 4 sections of page content covering "Data collection", "Cookie Placement", "Information sharing", and "Information security"

Each section should contain the proper heading tag, and at least 1 paragraph of text and an ordered list of items.

Style all the text on the page as arial, sans-serif, 12px with the color #223344.

Style all paragraphs on the page as 11px font with a color of #000000.

Using classes, style all the text in the first section as times new roman, 10px bold uppercase.

Using a single id, style all the text in the second paragraph as 11px italic with the color #000099.

Style all list items as 10px italic bold with the color #336633.

Give your page a background color of #ffeedd.

Step 2 - links

Add a simple navigation list to the top of your page with links to each section below. Use an unordered list and, using an id, set the margin and padding of the ul tag to 0px. Then set the li tags to have a "display" of "inline".

Make all the links in your navigation 16px font bold underlined with a color of #3333ff.

When hovering over a navigation link, make the link non-underlined with a color of #6666cc.

Make sure all links bring you to the proper point in the page.


Here's a link to a screen shot of what your final page should roughly look like: Screen shot - hw5.jpg


You will be graded on the following:

Extra Credit

For an additional 5 points, add a table to your page showing list of contacts on the site (at least 3) with proper headers. Style the table cells using CSS with a line between each row (use border). There should be no gaps / spaces between lines.